About Admin

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So far Admin has created 275 blog entries.

What we can learn from Penn State

 It's unfortunate that it takes national headlines to get people talking about a problem that is all too prevalent in our society

What we can learn from Penn State2018-01-14T11:23:56-06:00

31 Ways to continue Domestic Violence Awareness

Even though Domestic Violence Awareness Month is over, it is still important to continue the awareness of the issue.  Raising awareness can

31 Ways to continue Domestic Violence Awareness2011-11-01T18:28:43-05:00

Silent Witnesses

In 1990, a group of women in Minnesota who were upset with the growing number of women being murdered by their partners

Silent Witnesses2011-10-11T18:48:32-05:00

"In My Daughter's Name" Production

In the month of October, Bright Horizons will be celebrating their 35th anniversary!  We are hosting a staged reading titled

"In My Daughter's Name" Production2011-10-05T16:39:07-05:00

Clothesline Project

The Clothesline Project is a visual display that bears witness to the violence against women. During the public display, a clothesline is

Clothesline Project2011-10-03T20:07:22-05:00

Diaper Drive

Did you know... Diapers average a cost of $100 per month (babies need 8-12 diapers/day) No public assistance covers the cost of

Diaper Drive2011-09-20T21:43:25-05:00

Women's Wellness Event

Our 4th Annual Women’s Wellness Event will be held September 22, 2011 from 4:30 – 8:30 pm at the Knights of Columbus

Women's Wellness Event2011-09-07T17:50:03-05:00

Staff Retreat

On June 29th the Bright Horizons staff attended a retreat at the new restaurant in Norfolk, Barnstormers. The day was filled with

Staff Retreat2011-07-28T20:22:12-05:00
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