About Admin

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So far Admin has created 275 blog entries.

When No One Believes You

Have you tried to tell someone you’re being abused, only to be accused of lying? It’s not your fault. Let’s get that

When No One Believes You2018-10-18T09:45:41-05:00

What kind of person makes false rape accusations?

False rape accusations loom large in the cultural imagination. We don’t forget the big ones: The widely-read 2014 Rolling Stone article, later retracted, about a

What kind of person makes false rape accusations?2018-09-28T11:06:14-05:00

Explaining Violence to Kids

  Talking about domestic violence is never easy. Talking about it with the children who witness violence can be both a heartbreaking

Explaining Violence to Kids2018-09-18T12:35:39-05:00

Co-Parenting with Your Abuser

If you have children with your abuser, then you already know how difficult it is to maintain a civil co-parenting status with

Co-Parenting with Your Abuser2018-08-29T14:44:17-05:00

When They’re Not Ready for Help

Your family member/best friend/coworker/neighbor discloses to you that he or she is having “relationship difficulties.” With a bit more digging, you come

When They’re Not Ready for Help2018-08-24T13:24:42-05:00

There’s a Way Out: How to Safety Plan

But one day–tired of her life, tired of the evil before her, she found the courage to break her silence. She stood facing

There’s a Way Out: How to Safety Plan2018-08-06T10:03:48-05:00

Make A Difference

Concerned citizens of all ages can become involved in prevention: Report suspected mistreatment to the local APS agency or law enforcement. Although a

Make A Difference2018-06-29T13:08:37-05:00
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