About Admin

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So far Admin has created 275 blog entries.

Art for a Cause Benefits Bright Horizons

Never doubt that a small group of teens can make a big impact on a community.  A group of high school students

Art for a Cause Benefits Bright Horizons2012-06-06T15:21:58-05:00

A Note of Appreciation

Bright Horizons 3rd Annual Sexual Assault Awareness Walk was held Thursday, April 20, 2012. Despite cloudy skies and biting cold, the walk

A Note of Appreciation2012-04-24T17:12:05-05:00

Shoe Display at Sunset Plaza

As a member of the Norfolk Council for Family Empowerment (NCFE), Bright Horizons would like to inform you of the council's upcoming

Shoe Display at Sunset Plaza2012-04-02T19:52:03-05:00

Shop AVON for a Cause!

To raise funds for April, Sexual Assault Awareness Month, I Amanda Wallace independent Avon sales representative will be hosting an On-line Event. 

Shop AVON for a Cause!2012-03-26T18:35:11-05:00

Participate in Denim Days

Bright Horizons would like to invite your business or organization to participate in our April Denim Days Fundraiser.  April is nationally designated

Participate in Denim Days2012-03-23T15:09:05-05:00

Staff Attended Speaking of the Children Training

On March 7th, 2012, I attended the “Speaking of Children” training by Project Harmony of Omaha, Nebraska.  This is the second time

Staff Attended Speaking of the Children Training2012-03-14T23:06:20-05:00

Words of Gratitude

"Bright Horizons staff members are a light to many women and children who are in very dark places. They shine and guide

Words of Gratitude2012-03-05T19:57:47-06:00

Teen Dating Violence Proclamation

  BRAVO members with Mayor Bill Price signing a proclamation declaring that the City of O’Neill recognizes February as Teen Dating Violence

Teen Dating Violence Proclamation2012-02-23T21:07:51-06:00

January is Stalking Awareness Month

January is National Stalking Awareness Month, a time to focus on a crime that affects 3.4 million victims a year. This year’s

January is Stalking Awareness Month2012-01-26T22:31:27-06:00
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