This Friday, June 15, is National Elder Abuse Awareness Day.  This day we want people, organizations, and agencies to bring awareness to this very important cause.  A minimum of 1 in 9 of Americans over age 60 have experienced some form of elder abuse. For every case of elder abuse reported to authorities, at least five more go unreported.  Often times the elderly person does not want to report the abuse due to the fact that the abuse is from a family member.

There are ways to help prevent elder abuse.  One can report suspected mistreatment to a local adult protective services agency or law enforcement.  As well as, maintain in contact with your older friends, neighbors, and relatives.   Keeping communication will help decrease isolation.  Also, be aware of the possibility of abuse.

Elder abuse is an under recognized problem with devastating and even life threatening consequences.  If you or someone you know is a witness or a victim of elder abuse, please report it to your local Department of Health and Human Services at 1-800-652-1999