Denim Days
April 1, 2020 - April 30, 2020
In 2019 Bright Horizons provided services to 1299 individuals and 7678 shelter beds to survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault in our community.
Go casual for a cause…
April 2020 is Denim Days! The staff at Bright Horizons want to raise awareness about sexual assault. During the month of April please consider letting your employees pay to be casual for a cause. This is a great way to support a great cause and be casually chic! To participate you can make a cash donation, pay to wear jeans on Fridays or sell employees coupons to wear jeans other days of the week. We greatly appreciate all of the help and support we receive in our community by participating in our fundraiser to give back!
For more information on how to participate contact a Bright Horizons Program Director near you.
Deb in Norfolk norfolkprogramdirector@brighthorizonsne.org
Amanda in O’Neill oneillprogramdirector@brighthorizonsne.org
Shanna in Ainsworth ainsworthprogramdirector@brighthorizonsne.org
Registration and coupon sheet below!