Denim Days
April 1, 2018 - April 30, 2018
Join us for this once a year fundraiser for a great cause.
Denim Days 2018 is a great way to use casual dress days to raise money for a great cause all through the month of April. It’s a great incentive for staff but there’s many ways to contribute. In past years, several businesses got creative and changed the concept to fit their needs better. O’Neill Elementary School, for example, sold Denim Days coupons to teachers for $5 each. The teacher then could use those coupons to wear jeans on any weekday they chose. Some businesses set out a donation can for customers to throw their loose change into. Some businesses donate a set amount each year. We encourage you to get creative and suit this best to your needs.
Here are Some Easy Ways to Take Part:
1). Register your team and make a PayPal donation at this link.
2). Register your team and sell Denim Days Coupons. We’ll send you the coupon to sell at your business or school. At the end of April we’ll tally your total.
3). Call, fax or email to register and donate.
To register your team or group, you can use the form below or download a pdf of the form at this link here and email or fax it to one of the locations below.
Bright Horizons 601 E. Norfolk Avenue, Norfolk NE 68701 FAX 402.379.2626, e-mail christy@brighthorizonsne.org or for more informaiton call Christy at 402.379.2026.
Bright Horizons 318 E. Douglas Street, O’Neill NE 68763, FAX 402.336.4787, email amanda@brighthorizonsne.org or call Amanda for more information at 402.336.1774.
Bright Horizons P.O. Box 313, Ainsworth NE 69210 FAX 402.336.1774, email kristy@brighthorizonsne.org or call Kristy for more information at 402.382.5676
Denim Days Team Registration.
If you have any questions, our friendly staff would be glad to come to you and explain how this fundraiser works. The money raised stays right here in our community!