Preventing and ending sexual violence requires societal change, and much of this change has to be intentional! 

We have to look closely at widely-held societal and cultural beliefs that support violence and reinforce victim-blaming. 


The first step to creating change is to alter our internal thought process when we hear about violence. 

Start by judging the conduct of the abuser rather than the conduct of the abused. 

When we, as an individual, as a community, as a society, start questioning the action of the abuser instead of the victim we are not just showing support for the victim we are also showing abusers that their actions are no ok and will not be tolerated!   

Here is one easy way to begin to change the way you think about violence. 

When you hear of a victim’s attack. NAME THE ABUSER! 

Instead of saying, “A was abused” or “A was raped”, say “B is an abuser” or “B is a rapist”. 

This easy first step turns the focus and responsibility towards who it belongs to. 

Violence (domestic, dating, sexual) is never the fault of the victim. 

We have to stop victim-blaming in order to stop the violence!