A day to show the men and women in law enforcement how much we value them, their service and protection of our communities

While the public should recognize the bravery, courage, honor and integrity shown by our nation’s law enforcement officers every day, there is one day each year set aside to show how much we value their service and protection of our communities.

Every Jan. 9, the National Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.) encourages everyone to show support for the more than 900,000 law enforcement officers in America. National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day (L.E.A.D.) is a way to show the men and women in law enforcement how much we value them.

L.E.A.D. is one designated day out of the year that encourages displays of support for all law enforcement officers. It’s a way to simply say “thank you” to officers who sacrifice so much and get very little appreciation the rest of the year. Even though L.E.A.D. occurs one day per calendar year, C.O.P.S. encourages everyone to show officers support 365 days a year.

We all can show our support by:


  • Change your profile picture on social media to the .jpg image provided at www.facebook.com/nationalcops.
  • Wear blue clothing in support of law enforcement.
  • Tie a blue ribbon on your vehicle’s antenna.
  • Send a card of support to your local police department or state agency.
  • Share a story about a positive law enforcement experience on social media.
  • Ask children in your community to write letters in support of law enforcement.
  • Participate in Project Blue Light – Proudly display your blue light in support of law enforcement.
  • Organize an event or a rally in support of your law enforcement officers.
  • Advertise your support through local media outlets/billboards.
  • Post the public service announcement supplied by C.O.P.S. to your organization’s webpage or social media pages.


Most importantly, if you see a police officer, thank a police officer.


The staff at Bright Horizons would like to say “THANK YOU” to all law enforcement!  We appreciate the hard work that you do.

Use this image as your social media profile on Jan. 9 to show your support: (Photo/C.O.P.S.)