It’s Sexual Assault Awareness Month!
Did you know…
Every 98 seconds, another person experiences sexual assault. Women ages 18-24 are at the highest risk for sexual assault. We think this is totally unacceptable! (Statistics via RAINN.)
The high statistics for sexual assault and sexual violence continue to underscore the need for awareness and prevention work.
The good news is we can all help prevent sexual assault and sexual violence by raising awareness and providing education. And, the best way to prevent violence is to address its root causes and start shifting the social norms that perpetuate it. To do that, we need people from all backgrounds and communities to lift their voices and say “No More” to sexual assault!
This year, the theme for Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) is “Engaging New Voices.” We need everyone’s support in the movement to end sexual assault and promote healthy, respectful relationships! Faith leaders, parents, coaches and members of Greek life are encouraged to get involved and raise awareness during SAAM. Find out how you can get involved and learn more from the National Sexual Violence Resource Center and RAINN.org.
Need help or information? Check out these resources:
National Sexual Assault Hotline (RAINN)
National Sexual Violence Resource Center
LGBT National Help Center
The Trans Lifeline
It’s On Us