#1. Listen unconditionally, non-judgmentally.

#2. Set up a code word to signal an emergency.

#3. Help them seek job opportunities.

#4. Refer to counseling or expert guidance.

#5. Take abuse seriously, believe the victim.

#6. Let the victim make his/her own decisions.

#7. Open home or other location as a safe haven.

#8. Create a safety plan.

#9. Hire an attorney or attain legal assistance.

#10. Create a safety bag of essentials.

#11. Arrange or provide transportation.

#12. Rebuild self-esteem and confidence.

#13. Ask what you can do to help.

#14. Offer plans and options in case of an emergency.

#15. Find or call a domestic violence program or shelter.

#16. Provide financial support.

#17. Accompany to court proceedings.

#18.Recommend reading materials and resources.

#19. Ask questions that allow victim to consider and anticipate future.

#20. Assist in obtaining a protection order.

#21. Provide assurance, “You don’t deserve this,” This is not your fault,” and “I believe you.”

#22. Watch pets while victim is in transition.

#23. Serve as a witness.

#24. Help victim recognize abuse.

#25. Continue to support victim after they leave.


By: domesticshelters.org