On May 2nd, 2013 our group BRAVO participated in Nebraska Stand for The Silent by launching our photo project. We hoped that this would encourage other students to stand up against bullying. The people who got involved in this project were very excited and were glad to help. Sadly there were quite a few people who wouldn’t participate, but the people who did showed them how one person can really make a difference. Since we did this we have gotten over 1,000 hits on our photos. This project turned out awesome!!!!! After we did the photo project at the high school we gave a presentation to the O’Neill Developing Eagles K-6th on how to handle bullying and how they can make a difference. They also participated in the photo project. They really enjoyed our visit and we are going to send them their pictures so they can have a reminder of the difference they made. We have been working so hard to share the word about Kirk and Laura Smalley so that what happened to their son won’t happen again. If you want to know more about Stand for the Silent go to standforthesilent.org.