The Clothesline Project is a visual display that bears witness to the violence against women. During the public display, a clothesline is hung with shirts. Each shirt is decorated to represent a particular woman’s experience, by the survivor herself or by someone who cares about her.

The concept is simple – let each woman tell her story in her own unique way, using words and/or artwork to decorate her shirt.  Once finished, she would then hang her shirt on the clothesline.  This very action serves many purposes.  It acts as an educational tool for those who come to view the Clothesline; it becomes a healing tool for anyone who makes a shirt -by hanging the shirt on the line, survivors, friends, and family can literally turn their back on some of that pain of their experience and walk away; finally it allows those who are still suffering in silence to understand that they are not alone. For more information about the clothesline project, please visit the website at

During the month of October, we encourage you to visit one of our clothesline projects displayed at the following locations:


Pierce Public Library

Northeast Community College – Student Center

Norfolk Public Library

Stanton Public Library

Tilden Hospital

Faith Regional Health Services

West Holt Hospital (30th-7th)

Spencer Village Community Center (Oct. 7th-14th)

Neligh Library (Oct. 14th-21st)

Holt County Courthouse (Oct. 21st-28th)